Schools Pamphlet

Click on each schools to view the pamphlet.

(Only school where data is available is listed.)

College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation

 College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation (School of Entrepreneurial and Innovation Studies / School of Tourism Sciences and Design / School of Smart Technology and Innovation)

College of Human and Social Sciences

 School of Humanities  ?School of Humanities Digital Pamphlet  ?School of Law?

 School of Economics Digital Brochure  School of Teacher Education  School of Regional Development Studies  School of International Studies  School of International Studies Digital Brochure

College of Science and Engineering

 College of Science and Engineering School of Mathematics and Physics  School of Chemistry  School of Mechanical Engineering  School of Frontier Engineering

 School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering  School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering  School of Biological Science and Technology

College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

School of Pharmacy  School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences  School of Health Sciences

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