University Representative Office

Kanazawa University

rogoKakuma-machi,?Kanazawa, 920-1192, Japan?
Tel: 076-264-5111
Weekdays (Monday through Friday, except national holidays, summer holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays): 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
However, from July to September, the hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Various contact points


Transdisciplinary Sciences Administration Department

College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation / School of Entrepreneurial and Innovation Studies / School of Tourism Sciences and Design / School of Smart Technology and Innovation

Human and Social Administration Department

College of Human and Social Sciences / School of Humanities / School of Law / School of Economics / School of Teacher Education / School of Regional Development Studies / School of International Studies / Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies / Graduate School of Law / Graduate School of Professional Development in Teacher Education / Affiliated Schools / Undergraduate Training Course for School Nurses / Institute of Human and Social Sciences etc.

Science and Engineering Administration Department

College of Science and Engineering / School of Mathematics and Physics / School of Chemistry / School of Mechanical Engineering / School of Frontier Engineering / School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering / School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering / School of Biological Science and Technology / Electronic Information school / Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology / Nanomaterials Research Institute / Advanced Manufacturing Technology Institute / Advanced Mobility Research Institute / Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology / Institute of Science and Engineering etc.

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Administration Department

College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences / School of Medicine / School of Pharmacy / School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences / School of Health Sciences / Department of Drug Discovery school / Graduate School of Medical Sciences / Graduate School of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences / Cancer Research Institute / Research Center for Experimental Modeling of Human Disease / Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences Research Center / Research Center for Child Mental Development / Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences etc.

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