Kindai Festival


Campus Activities (Kanazawa University Festival)


The university festival of Kanazawa University is called the "Kindai Festival".? As a cultural festival, the annual Kanazawa University Festival is held every year, which is created by the students themselves. It is the biggest event for Kanazawa University students, where each extracurricular activity group widely presents the results of their activities during the year, and the general public also participates. Every year, a variety of events are held on Saturday and Sunday of the first week of November every year, with a variety of events held? mainly on Kakuma Campus.

Main venues: University Hall, General Education Building
Main Events: Theater performances, lectures, booths, exhibitions and presentations, sports competitions, movie and video screenings, music concerts, etc.


The 60th (2023) Kanazawa University Festival

October 28, 2023 (Sat) - October 29, 2023 (Sun) 10:00-18:00

Kanazawa University Festival Poster (Japanese)

Kanazawa University Festival Poster (English)

Kanazawa University Festival Official Website


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