英国科学誌「Nature」3月9日号の特集「Nature Index Japan」に金沢大学が掲載 Kanazawa University Appears in the Special Feature “Nature Index Japan” of a British Science Journal Nature

ニュース 研究

 全世界の総合科学雑誌の最高峰である英国科学誌「Nature」に,特集企画「Nature Index Japan」の一部として,記事広告「How industrial exhaust heat could be used to extract carbon dioxide」が掲載されました。


 ?How industrial exhaust heat could be used to extract carbon dioxide

 ?Nature Index Japan

研究者情報:児玉 昭雄

The advertisement feature “How industrial exhaust heat could be used to extract carbon dioxide” was published in Nature,one of the most prestigious international scientific journals, as part of the special feature “Nature Index Japan”.

The article introduces the method for extracting waste CO2?using relatively low heat fumes and absorbent materials, pioneering by professor Akio Kodama.


 ?How industrial exhaust heat could be used to extract carbon dioxide

 ?Nature Index Japan


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