April 1, 2022 President’s Voice

President Message

Contributing to Society through "Future-oriented Intelligence," Built on an "All Kanazawa University" Approach

Kanazawa University Long Image

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Kanazawa University as the 12th President Kanazawa University In the Charter of Kanazawa University, a research university dedicated to education, while opening up its doors to both local and global society is the basic philosophy of . I am determined to work with zeal and fortitude to achieve further development as "Kanazawa University where students, faculty, and staff take pride and attachment and where people shine". I look forward to your continued support.

As the world undergoes dramatic change, Kanazawa University will contribute to a society that has hope. To that end, we will lead the way in solving contemporary issues through the use of “comprehensive knowledge,” which integrates all types of knowledge that mankind has at its disposal. Creating “future-oriented intelligence,” the wisdom to explore future issues and overcome them, we will also develop human resources who will be recognized and respected as “Kanazawa University graduates” and be core leaders in the international community.

Today, the structure of industry is changing at an ever-accelerating pace due to advances in AI and robotics technologies, as well as digital transformation (DX). Japan, too, has formed a futuristic vision of economic development and solutions to social issues through the realization of “Super-Smart Society 5.0,” which fuses virtual space and the physical world. At the same time, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are being advocated to address global-scale problems caused by human activities, and the international community as a whole is making various efforts toward the sustainable development of human society. Moving forward, as a national university corporation, Kanazawa University has a responsibility to respect its public nature and fulfill an increasingly important role in response to the demands of society.

The history of Kanazawa University began with the Kaga Domain’s Hikoso Vaccination Center, which was founded in 1862. It is a comprehensive university that has inherited the history and traditions of its predecessor schools, including the Fourth Higher School, Ishikawa Normal School, Ishikawa Youth Normal School, Kanazawa Higher Normal School, Kanazawa Medical College, and Kanazawa Industrial College. It is located in the wonderful environment of Kanazawa, a university town, where a rich traditional culture has been fostered. Over its long history spanning 160 years, it has contributed to the rise of higher education and academic research in Japan and has developed into a key university representing the side of the Sea of Japan side of the country. To this day, Kanazawa University continues tirelessly to innovate so that it may be instrumental in the region and the world through education and research, and through contributions to society based on those activities.

Kanazawa University In April 2008, the university shifted from a traditional undergraduate departmental system to a college school system to realize advanced and flexible learning that is essential for the next generation. In order to acquire these standards, we are accelerating liberal arts education that integrates disciplines and STEAM education. In April 2021, we established a new college, College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation, and started School of Entrepreneurial and Innovation Studies as a center for education that integrates the humanities and sciences in response to Society 5.0. In April 2022, we will establish a new School of Tourism Sciences and Design that takes advantage of regional characteristics in the same college, and further deepen our learning to 4 college and 19 school.

We will continue to create learning environments in which students can teach and nurture themselves, so that they can further advance their specializations while also acquiring broad-ranging general knowledge.

On the research side, we will pursue the formation and bolstering of global research centers with a group of flagship research institutes, including the world-class Nano Life Science Institute, and boldly take on the challenges of global issues and unexplored areas that humanity will face in the future.

Furthermore, we hope to accelerate the creation of new value through social co-creation by promoting open innovation and social implementation of research results through industry-academia-government-finance collaboration, utilizing the vast campus at Kanazawa University.

To achieve these goals, in addition to improving the efficiency of our organization management, we will strengthen the functions that integrate education and research and establish the “Kanazawa model” of university reform and human resources development.

We will also create a diversity-friendly environment, where all students, faculty, and staff, with their many and varied individual characteristics, are able to demonstrate the full potential of their abilities and ignite high aspirations in their studies, research, and work.

Kanazawa University will become a hub for international innovation that forms a positive growth cycle of people, knowledge, and society through its unrelenting efforts, facilitating positive social impact. With the combined efforts of our faculty and staff, all of Kanazawa University will work as one to contribute to the development of both our local community and the world, and to continue to be the vibrant “Kanazawa University that is loved locally and shines brightly in the world.”



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