

The application procedure and criteria for tuition fee waiver are reviewed from time to time. Please make sure to read the latest application guidelines carefully before applying.
 The new study support system for higher education started in 2020, and undergraduate students must, in principle, apply for a scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organisation (JASSO) and be selected as a scholarship recipient in order to receive waiver of entrance fees and tuition fees.
 However, for students who received tuition fee waiver under the old system in the 2019 academic year, students whose family finances have suddenly changed due to the impact of COVID-19 or Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024, and students who are not eligible for the new study support system (international students and students who have spent more than three years between high school graduation and university entrance), the University offers its own tuition fee waiver.

令和6(2024)年度【後期】授業料免除 / 2024 (second semester) Tuition fee waiver

クリック/タップで各項目にジャンプします。/ click/tap to jump to each item

?修学支援新制度による授業料減免 (For non-international students)
?授業料免除(経過措置)/ Tuition fee waiver(Transitional measures)
?授業料免除(国际足球_虎扑体育-中国体彩网官网推荐による家計急変)/ Tuition fee waiver(Sudden change in household finances due to COVID-19)
?授業料免除(令和6年能登半島地震による家計急変)/ Tuition fee waiver(Sudden change in household finances due to the Noto Peninsula earthquake of 2024)
?授業料免除(修学支援新制度対象外の学生)/ Tuition fee waiver (students not covered by the new study support system)

修学支援新制度による授業料減免  For non-international students


授業料免除(経過措置)/ Tuition fee waiver(Transitional measures)



【対 象 者】
? 1.令和6年4月1日現在,学域6年次の正規学生

  ※標準修業年限を超過して在学する5年次の者については、申請要項2?「1-1 対象者に関する補?」を参照してください。
? 2.令和元(2019)年度に授業料免除申請(前期?後期いずれか)において「全額」又は「半額」の免除を受けた者

 前期後期一括申請者 ①申告期間 令和6年8?8?(木)?8?20?(火)?
           ②申告結果通知 令和6年8月26日?(月)(予定)


(様式1-1, 1-2)授業料免除申請本人調書
(様式 1)修学支援新制度申請状況申告書(経過措置対者用)
(様式 3)給与支給(見込)証明書
(様式 4)年金?恩給に関する申立書
(様式 5)退職金?雇用保険に関する申立書
(様式 6)母子?父子世帯に関する申立書
(様式 7)理由書
(様式 8)給付奨学金受給状況申告書
(様式 9)兄弟等の別生計に関する申立書
(様式10-1) 私費外国人留学生家計収支状況(2023年1月1日以前から渡日していた学生用)
(様式10-2) 私費外国人留学生家計収支状況(2023年1月2日以降に渡日した学生又はまだ渡日していない学生用)


授業料免除(国际足球_虎扑体育-中国体彩网官网推荐による家計急変)/ Tuition fee waiverSudden change in household finances due to COVID-19

The university provides its own tuition fee waiver, within budgetary limits after screening, for students whose households have experienced a sudden change in finances due to the impact of COVID-19. However, only those who received a tuition fee waiver in the second semester of 2023 under the university’s (or other university’s) own system or under the new study support system for those whose family finances have suddenly changed due to COVID-19 are eligible for this waiver.

【対 象 者/Eligible students】  
 Those whose household finances have changed suddenly due to the effects of COVID-19 and whose financial situation after the sudden change meets the University’s tuition fee waiver criteria.

 Click here for examples of public assistance?granted in cases of sudden changes in household finances due to the effects of new coronavirus infection.

【申請期間/Application period】

【申請要項/Application guidelines】

【各種様式/Forms】 ?
(様式1-1, 1-2)入学料?授業料免除(家計急変)申告本人調書
(様式 1)修学支援新制度申請状況申告書(家計急変用 )
(様式 3)給与支給(見込)証明書
(様式 8)給付奨学金受給状況申告書
(様式 9)兄弟等の別生計に関する申立書
(様式10-1) 私費外国人留学生家計収支状況(2023年1月1日以前から渡日していた学生用)
(様式10-2) 私費外国人留学生家計収支状況(2023年1月2日以降に渡日した学生又はまだ渡日していない学生用)


授業料免除(令和6年能登半島地震による家計急変)/ Tuition fee waiver(Sudden change in household finances due to the Noto Peninsula earthquake of 2024)

 The university offers tuition fee waiver to students whose households have suffered a sudden change in finances as a direct or indirect result of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024, within the limits of the budget after screening.
 Even if you applied for this waiver in the first semester of 2024, you will need to apply again if you wish to be waived tuition fees in the second semester of 2024.
 Undergraduate students (Japanese, permanent residents, etc.) who are eligible to use the new study support system should also apply for the new system (click here for information on the new system).

【対 象 者/Eligible students】

  • 令和6年能登半島地震により生計維持者が死亡または行方不明となった者 / Those whose living dependants were dead or missing due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024.
  • 令和6年能登半島地震により生計維持者の居住する家屋が「全壊」、「大規模半壊」、「中規模半壊」、「半壊」となった者 / Those whose houses where living dependants reside have been “completely destroyed”, ” largely partially destroyed”, “Medium-scale partially destroyed” or ” half destroyed” by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024.
  • 令和6年能登半島地震により、生計維持者の所得が急変する世帯の者 /?Those whose household income has suddenly changed due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024.

【申請期間/Application period】

【申請要項/Application guidelines】


—–English version—–

【Application guidelines】
Kanazawa University 2024 Application guidelines for the waiving of admission fees (deferral of payment) and tuition fees (second semester) (sudden change in family finances)[For those whose household finances were affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake of 2024]

※All documents should be printed out A4 sized and single-sided copy.
※Please download and print out the application form, fill it out, and submit it together with the required documents.
Application for admission fee/tuition fee waiver due to large-scale disaster【English】

授業料免除(修学支援新制度対象外の学生)/ Tuition fee waiver (students not covered by the new study support system)

 The University offers its own tuition fee waiver for students who are not eligible for the new study support system (international students and students who have spent more than three years between high school graduation and university entrance) (see here for details).

進学資金シミュレーター For non-international students



① 上記シミュレーターにアクセス
② 「シミュレーションする」を選択後,質問事項に回答し「次へ」,確認後「確定」
③ 「奨学金選択シミュレーション」を「START」
④ 注意事項を確認後「給付奨学金シミュレーション(保護者の方向け)」を「START」し,「2024年度 秋の在学採用の申込
⑤ 必要事項を入力し「計算する」
⑥ 提出する場合は「印刷する」もしくは画面のスクリーンショットをとり印刷


〒920-1192 石川県金沢市角間町
Tel: 076-264-5164, 5170(受付時間 平日9:00~17:00)
Mail: stsien@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

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