Kanazawa University SNS List

Kanazawa University diverse official social networking sites.

University Officials Kanazawa University Official Instagram

Research Public Relations
College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation ?
College of Human and Social Sciences School of Regional Development Studies ?
College of Human and Social Sciences School of International Studies ? ? ?
College of Science and Engineering Kanazawa University College of Science and Engineering Instagram ?
College of Science and Engineering
School of Frontier Engineering
? ? ?
College of Science and Engineering School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering
Course in Earth and Planetary Science
? ?
Noto Center for Fisheries Science and Technology ? ? ?
Graduate School of Medical Sciences...
Graduate School of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences... College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences School of Medicine
College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
School of Health Sciences Department of Nursing
理学療法学専攻 作業療法学専攻
? ? ?
Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies International Student Committee
(College of Human and Social Sciences International Exchange Office)
? ? ?
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology International Student Committee
(College of Science and Engineering International Student Education Office)
? ? ?
Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources ?
Cancer Research Institute ? ?
Nano Life Science Institute ?
University Library ? ?
Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology ? ?
Health Service Center ? ? ?
Career Support Office ? ? ?
Organization of Global Affairs Comprehensive Japanese Language Program ? ? ?
Study Abroad Promotion Office ? ? ?
Gender Equality
Career Design Laboratory
Affiliated Senior High School ? ? ?
Project: AERU



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