Public Notices and Procurement Related Information

Transactions with Kanazawa University

Public announcement

General and nominated competition

Proposal competition and public solicitation

Real Estate Sales

Qualifications for Participation in Bidding

Related Regulations

?????? The following contract standards and other University regulations will apply to contracts for which the bidding was announced on after April 1, 2021, and to negotiated contracts signed on after April 1, 2021.

Kanazawa University If you are submitting a bid/quote to Kanazawa University, please agree to abide by the contracting standards of before submitting your bid/quote.

In addition, we may ask you to submit a written pledge indicating the same.

Information Disclosure

Publication of "National University Corporation Kanazawa University 's Negotiated Contracts"

Review Plan for Negotiated Contracts



  • ?For inquiries regarding this matter, please click here
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