Supporting students through food education: "Support Noto! A sweets-making class using Kaga vegetables"

News Noto Reconstruction
  • 3. Health and welfare for all

On July 3rd, Health Service Center together with KEYPAT (*) hosted a food education program "Sweets Making Class Using Kaga Vegetables" as part of its student support project. 20 students (including 10 international students) participated in the class. This time, we asked instructor Kenichi Urano, a pastry chef at "Cake House Angel" in Fukumasu-cho, Kanazawa City, to introduce a menu using Noto ingredients and Kaga vegetables.

The pudding was made with Noto salt, topped with traditional Kaga vegetable "Kaga Thick Cucumber" and Noto wine jelly, and decorated with fruits. Mr. Urano demonstrated and explained how to make the pudding in an easy-to-understand manner, and went around the tables to give direct instructions. After the sweets were finished, the students enjoyed tasting the sweets and listened the talk about how the Kaga vegetable sweets were created and the current situation of Kaga vegetable farmers and farmers in Noto.

Participating students commented: "I realized that ingredients are a very important element in cooking. It was lots of fun! I really enjoyed cooking together. The pastry chef was very insightful".


(*) KEYPAT is Kanazawa University official team that supports people who have suffered from mental disorders as a result of the Noto Peninsula earthquake. The team consists mainly of certified psychologists.

 For the official KEYPAT X, click here.

  • Mr. Urono demonstrating
  • Students cooking under the guidance
  • Noto Salt Pudding with Kaga Thick Cucumber and Noto Wine Jelly
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