Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology selected Kanazawa University for "Open Access Acceleration Project"

News Research

Kanazawa University together with Fukui University and Kanazawa Medical University as partner institutions applied to Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for "Open Access Acceleration Project (Subsidy for Research Centers for Social Implementation of Artificial Intelligence)"? and were selected.

Open science is an initiative to accelerate research activities and create new knowledge by making the results of academic research and surveys accessible and shared by all people, not only specialists such as researchers but also non-specialists.

As for Japan's open access policy for academic papers, etc., "research results such as papers and research data produced by public funds should be widely returned to the public," while the research activities of Japanese researchers are international, and in recent years the oligopoly of foreign publishers has been increasing, and furthermore, combined with the depreciation of the yen, there has been an excess of digital imports, and this problem is becoming more serious in the academic field as well. This problem is becoming more serious in the academic field as well.

As a countermeasure against foreign competitors, this project is intended to enhance the institutional repositories of each university to make papers authored by Japanese university researchers open access, not only to domestic publishers but also to foreign publishers, so that the results of research, especially those based on grants from public institutions, can be read promptly. This year, 93 applications were submitted and 83 were accepted, including Kanazawa University.

Kanazawa University established an open access policy in 2018 and has been working to register and publish the research results in the "Kanazawa University Academic Information Repository*". In 2022, we formulated the "Kanazawa University Academic Data Management Policy", which is the fifth research data management policy in Japan, and have been conducting trials of GakuNin RDM in collaboration with the Core Facility Construction Support Program with the aim of establishing and deploying a Kanazawa University model.

The Kanazawa University model is characterized by its accelerated promotion of open access, in which the university takes responsibility for publishing and preserving sensitive research data, which is essential for advancing the integration of the humanities, sciences, and medicine, and is based on an effective academic data management policy that can accommodate the open/closed strategies of each field. Through this project, the three universities in the Hokuriku region will jointly promote open science, aiming to form a special zone for accelerating open access, and to promote the application and deployment of this technology to a variety of universities with various functions across the country.

* For more information on the Kanazawa University Academic Information Repository, click here.


About decision on the Institutions to Adopt the Open Access Acceleration Project (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

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