2022 Meritorious Service Award Ceremony held.


On March 17, 2023, a ceremony was held to honor the winners of the 2022 Distinguished Service Awards. President Wada presented the winners with certificates and commemorative gifts, and gave them words of encouragement for further success in their future endeavors.

The Distinguished Service Award recognizes educational, research, and medical activities that have achieved particularly outstanding results and have been highly regarded by society. Professor Satoshi Sunada of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering andProfessor?Masami Furuuchi of Faculty of Geosciences and Civil Engineering were the recipients of this award.


[Research activities of the Meritorious Service Award recipients]

Professor?Satoshi Sunada,?Institute of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering??
Dr. Sunada was awarded a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (A) (Programmed Research) by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in 2022 for the project entitled "Transformation of Photonic Computing Devices by Optical Multiplexing" and has been working on the promotion of this research.

?Professor?Masami FuruuchiInstitute of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Geosciences and Civil Engineering 
Mr. Furuuchi was selected by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for the 2021 International Science and Technology Cooperation Program (SATREPS) under the program title "Establishment of an Air Pollution Risk Management Platform in Cambodia". He has been working on research promotion, human resource development, and policy recommendation system.

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