Kanazawa University Facilities Department Open Company: "One-day work experience: What is Kanazawa University Facilities Department like?"

Open to public
Event Details

Kanazawa University Facilities Department will hold an open company "1 Day Work Experience" under the theme of "What is Kanazawa University Facilities Department like?"

Visitors can experience the work of the university's technical staff and interact directly with current employees. There will also be a drone piloting experience.
We look forward to your participation!


Dates: Thursday, August 29th and Friday, September 6th, 2024 (same content for both days)
Time: 10:00-16:00
Location: Kanazawa University, Kakuma Campus, Natural Sciences Building No. 5 Facilities Department
Eligible participants: Bachelor's and graduate students in science and engineering (regardless of year), students in technical colleges (3rd year or above)
Contents: Visit to Facilities Department workplace, construction supervision experience at a construction site, drone experience, group work, exchange of opinions with young staff


If you wish to participate, please register using the form below.

?Kanazawa University Facilities Department For more information, click here.

Participation Fee
Application period
Until Monday, August 5, 2024

Kanazawa University Facilities Department Facility Planning Division
TEL: 076-264-5103 E-mail: shisetsukikaku-sk-kafuku@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

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