Call for the 1st Kanazawa University Miyamoto Prize

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Researchers and organizations that have made outstanding achievements in the social sciences related to finance, community, autonomy, and the environment
Event Details

Kanazawa University The Kanazawa University Miyamoto Prize was established by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to honor researchers who have made outstanding achievements in the social sciences related to finance, community, autonomy, and the environment, and to contribute to society and the further development of academic research in Japan.
The Miyamoto Prize is funded by a donation from Mr. Kenichi Miyamoto, an honorary doctor of Kanazawa University and a graduate of the Fourth Higher School, one of the predecessor schools of Kanazawa University. Dr. Miyamoto taught at Kanazawa University, Osaka City University, and Ritsumeikan University, and later at Shiga University President. He has always been at the forefront of cutting-edge research in a wide range of fields, including public finance, regional economics, local government, and environmental economics, and has not only achieved the highest level of achievement in each field, but has also provided valuable theoretical guidance for many citizen activities dealing with pollution problems and urban development.
We are therefore pleased to present the "1st Kanazawa University Miyamoto Prize" to pay tribute to Mr. Miyamoto and to contribute to the further development of research and civic activities in this field.

For more information on the application process and details, please visit the following link

Application period
Deadline: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Kanazawa University Miyamoto Prize Secretariat (in Human and Social Administration Department) TEL: 076-264-5448?

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