2024 Internship and Work Experience Joint Company Information Session

On campus only
5/18 (Sat): Online
June 6 (Thu), 7 (Fri): Natural Science Lecture Hall, Kakuma Campus
All students (mainly 2nd and 3rd year students, 1st year master's and doctoral students, 2nd year doctoral students, etc.)
Event Details

Career Support Office plan to conduct internship/work experience joint company information session as part of our career support program for students.
This event aims to broaden students' perspectives. Not only 3rd year and 1st year master's students, but also students of all grades are welcome to attend this event.

Internships are a valuable opportunity to find answers to questions such as "What kind of atmosphere and working style do they have? By listening to the voices of actual workers, you can clarify your own career path.
This is a large-scale event with approximately 190 exhibitors from top companies and government agencies in and outside of the prefecture, giving you a chance to hear directly from human resources personnel from up to six companies in one day. Kanazawa University Graduates and alumni will speak at the company booths.

Even if you are not interested in an industry or company, you will discover something new when you talk to them. You can broaden your perspective through chance encounters, or learn more about your field of interest through comparisons. Students who are planning to participate in an internship program this summer are encouraged to attend.
We are looking forward to see you there.

Participation Fee
How to participate
Please register in advance using the dedicated form below.
Related Links

Educational and Student Affairs Department Career Support Office (2F, Main Building), TEL : 076-264-5165, MAIL : syukatsu@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp, Career Support Office Web site : https://career-support.adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/

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